Are you familiar with frustration and anxiety? Does it seem difficult to shake off disappointment or anger? Living in real peace and joy requires learning to truly trust God. Join us and let’s explore together the path Peter lays out for us as we discover that a life lived in humility is a life worth living!
Mike Crowley, Jr. will be bringing us a series of lessons entitled, “Precious Faith”. This Spring Gospel Meeting of the Matador church of Christ is scheduled to begin on Sunday, March 3 and continue through Wednesday night, March 6. Please mark your calendars and plan to be at as many of these meetings as you are able. A warm welcome awaits you and everyone is welcome.
Sunday – March 3 – 10:00 am – “Preparing Your Mind: God’s sovereignty and My four S’s”
11:00 am – “Blessed Assurance: How Valuable is a Proven Faith?”
1:00 pm – Potluck Meal – Fellowship building
Sunday Eve – 6:00 pm – “What’s My Why?: Living for Purpose”
Monday Eve – March 4 – 7:00 pm – “Healing the Curse: Living in Harmony”
Tuesday Eve- March 5 – 7:00 pm – “The Power of Change: Living on Love!”
Wednesday Eve – March 6 – 7:00 pm – “Perfect Peace: Living without Anxiety”
Supper served following evening services