The newest edition to our online presence is the Matador church of Christ youtube channel. Although over 700 sermons are already online via the website using the Vimeo platform, the popularity of youtube requires our expansion there as well. Members and followers of the Matador church of Christ facebook page are encouraged to subscribe to the new channel. Once the channel acquires 100 subscribers, then we qualify for a custom url address which will make it easier for more viewers to find us. Please follow the link below to access the channel, and then subscribe. If the channel art looks like the picture above, then you are at the right place. Click this link to go directly to the channel: Matador church of Christ youtube channel
Category Archives: Action Needed
Did you know that copies of sermons, lessons, gospel meetings and special speakers are all available free online at They are available in two formats, video or audio only. Why not turn off the secular TV programs and gather the family around the computer for a powerful message from God’s Word? Just go to the Matador church of Christ website, and you’ll find links to topics covering a wide variety of Bible subjects. You can even watch or listen on your tablet or phone. Remember, you never hear of anyone who wishes they had spent less time in the Word.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the Fall Gospel Meeting at the Matador church of Christ beginning Sunday, October 2 and running through Wednesday night, October 5.
The featured speaker will be Mike Crowley, Jr. who is the minister of the Fairmont Park church of Christ in Midland, Texas and the son of our own minister, Mike Crowley, Sr. If you’ve never heard Mike speak, you will not want to miss this opportunity. He brings the scriptures alive and will touch your heart with thoughts, characters and truths from the Bible. Your life will never be the same.
This year’s theme is “Portraits of Grace: seeing through Heaven’s eyes”. God has been pursuing the hearts of His children from the very beginning. We will learn from Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Gideon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego of His healing grace and life-changing love.
As always, we want to make sure no one leaves the Matador church of Christ hungry. The good food will begin on Saturday night, October 1, with a complimentary kick-off Fish Fry at 6 p.m. at the church multi-purpose building. On Sunday, October 2, there will be a Potluck luncheon following the 11 a.m. service. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights, supper will be served each evening following the lessons.
Here’s the Lesson schedule:
Sunday, Oct. 2, 10 a.m. – “The God who came: Jesus in the Old Testament.”
11 a.m. – I AM: the God who Is”
6 p.m. – “A dark night: the dawn of Faith”
Monday, Oct.3, 7 p.m. – “The burden of wood, Isaac and Jesus: when God provides”
Tuesday, Oct. 4, 7 p.m. – “Stuck in a whinepress: when the past becomes the future”
Wednesday, Oct. 5, 7 p.m. – “Born to be free: walking with the God who stayed.”
Please join the Matador church of Christ for as many of these sessions as you can. We’re looking forward to seeing you there.
And seeing the multitudes, He felt compassion of them, because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:36-38)
In a single passage of scripture, our Lord has laid before us a challenge and our purpose. We are living in a world that is suffering anguish and violence. There is a desperate need for THE SHEPHERD. Many people are distressed and downcast searching for both foundation and meaning. The passage of scripture stated above teaches us that there is simple opportunity to share both the shepherd and His gospel. All we need to have is a revised vision. I mean by that, one that is focused outwardly.
“The fields are white unto harvest”. Interpretation: Opportunity surrounds. We need to be willing to take advantage of those opportunities while they exist. We will be amazed at the power of the Word of God to change hearts and lives. We just need to put it to use. That is our assignment.
-Michael Crowley, Sr.