
Active filter: Preacher: Mike Crowley, Jr. (x)
Book: Genesis (2), Judges (1), 1 Kings (1), Luke (1), John (2), 1 Thessalonians (1), Hebrews (1), James (1), 1 John (4), Revelation (1).
Date: 2015 (2), 2016 (8), 2017 (6), 2018 (7), 2019 (8), 2020 (6)

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Sermons (37)

Portraits of Grace - Part 3 - A Dark Night: the Dawn of Faith
Genesis 15:6-21 (Part of the Portraits of Grace series).
Preached by Mike Crowley, Jr. on October 2, 2016 (Sunday Evening).
Portraits of Grace - Part 2 - I AM: The God who IS
John 18:4-12 (Part of the Portraits of Grace series).
Preached by Mike Crowley, Jr. on October 2, 2016 (Sunday Morning).
Portraits of Grace - Part 1 - The God who Came: Jesus in the Old Testament
John 1:1-14 (Part of the Portraits of Grace series).
Preached by Mike Crowley, Jr. on October 2, 2016 (Adult Bible Class).
1st John - Chapter 5
1 John 5:1-21 (Part of the Gospel Meeting series).
Preached by Mike Crowley, Jr. on April 6, 2016 (Special event).
1st John - Chapter 3
1 John 3:1-24 (Part of the Gospel Meeting series).
Preached by Mike Crowley, Jr. on April 4, 2016 (Special event).
Faith Walking - Part 5 - Love; the Confidence of Faith
1 John 4:1-21 (Part of the Faith Walking series).
Preached by Mike Crowley, Jr. on October 6, 2015 (Special event).
Faith Walking - Part 3 - Law and Love; the Balance of Faith
1 John 2:1-29 (Part of the Faith Walking series).
Preached by Mike Crowley, Jr. on October 4, 2015 (Sunday Evening).
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