Are you drained, frustrated or living in fear? If Jesus promised to give us His peace, why would we still struggle with such burdens? Since Jesus is certainly willing and able to keep His Word, could there be something we need to learn, surrender, or change to experience His promise? Join us as we gather at His feet in the pursuit of the freedom of Peace.
Mike Crowley, Jr. will be bringing us a series of lessons entitled, “Shalom, I Give My Peace to You”. This Spring Gospel Meeting of the Matador church of Christ is scheduled to begin on Sunday, March 4 and continue through Wednesday night, March 7. Please mark your calendars and free up your schedules and plan to be at as many of these meetings as you are able. Everyone is welcome.
Sunday – March 4 – 10:00 am – “How should we Pray for our Enemies?”
11:00 am – “Aren’t we on a Mission of Peace?”*
Sunday Eve – 6:00 pm – “Time to Level Up! A Bronze Level Faith”**
Monday Eve – March 5 – 7:00 pm – “Joy: Having Peace with Others”**
Tuesday Eve- March 6 – 7:00 pm – “Healing: Making Peace with Yourself”**
Wednesday Eve – March 7 – 7:00 pm – “Fearless Hope: Being at Peace with God”**
*Potluck Luncheon following 11:00 am service on Sunday
**Supper served following evening service
Will these lessons be recorded, would like to listen